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How To Update Android OS To Marshmallow, Nougat/ Oreo


How To Update Android OS To Marshmallow, Nougat/ Oreo

How to update Android Os to Marshmallow, Nougat/ Oreo. According to the latest news 2019 that I will review at this time in full will reveal the steps and how to update the android OS to the latest version of the OS quickly and you don't have to ROOT / worry about your Android phone experiencing hangs / damage. 

Regarding the steps on how to update the Android OS to the latest version, as an android mobile phone user with an Android OS, it is certain that you all know the various Android OS that you use.

Android OS Update To Marshmallow, Nougat/ Oreo

How To Update Android OS To Marshmallow, Nougat/ Oreo


Starting from the Lollipop OS which then appeared Marshmallow, after that there was another more perfect version, namely Nougat. It turns out that android innovations don't run out there, they continue to make improvements and improvements. 

Not exhausted the euphoria of society with Nougat, now appears Oreo. In fact, the latest is the Oreo android OS, which is predicted to have a variety of excellent and latest features that are much more perfect than previous versions of the Android OS.


And it is possible that after this Oreo android OS starts to circulate on the market there will be the latest android OS again developed by reliable developers around the world. The advantage of Android Oreo OS is that its users don't have to struggle to update the latest software.


As I know, most mobile phones with other operating systems will have various steps in updating the software, but this does not apply to Android. In addition, the various risks when updating the latest software are relatively small when we compare it with mobile phones with system operations other than Android. 

That's why updating the android OS to a newer / latest version is very easy to do. If your Android phone is still using the old version of Android and wants to upgrade to the nougat or oreo version, then you update it easily.


How To Update The Official Android OS To The Latest Version :

The step you can do is to go to the settings on your Android phone.

After your settings menu opens, open the menu about the phone at the bottom itself.

After the menu about the phone opens, select the top menu, namely update phone. If there is a choice of the latest update, then there will be instructions to update your software. Just confirm the update and wait a few minutes during the android OS update process.

But if your software is the latest, then you don't need to update the software.

My advice, make sure your battery is at least 70 to 80% or your Android phone is in a chass condition when updating the android OS to the latest version. And use a super fast network (at least 4G) or you can also take advantage of the internet network via available wifi. 

This is to avoid the risk of the network stopping halfway when you update the Android OS to Marshmallow, Nougat / Oreo. You can also do your own software updates by rooting your Android phone, but this method I do not recommend considering the various risks that will arise, such as your Android phone is vulnerable to virus attacks. 

That's all and hopefully useful writing from me about How to Update Android OS To Marshmallow, Nougat / Oreo.



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